Campus Directory
Main Contact Information:
(440) 826-2900
275 Eastland Rd.
Berea, Ohio 44017
Main contact information for departments:
- Academic Advising: (440) 826-2188
- Academic Affairs: (440) 826-2251
- Academic Cultural Events Series (ACES): (440) 826-2157
- Accessible Education (formerly Disability Services for Students): (440) 826-2090
- Accounts Payable: (440) 826-2213
- Admission
- Freshmen and Transfers: (440) 826-2222
- Conservatory: (440) 826-2368
- Graduate and Professional Programs: (440) 826-8012
- Allied Health, Sport and Wellness: (440) 826-7473
- ARAMARK Custodial Services: (440) 826-2334
- Art, Studio: (440) 826-2152
- Archive: (440) 826-3218
- Athletics: (440) 826-2184
- Athletic Communications: (440) 826-2780
- Biology & Geology: (440) 826-2262
- Black Cultural Center: (440) 826-2395
- Buildings and Grounds: (440) 826-2233
- Business, Carmel Boyer School of: (440) 260-4000
- Campus Recreation: (440) 826-2286
- Campus Stores: (440) 826-2205
- Bookstore - located in Strosacker Hall (Student Union)
- The Buzz on Front - located at 100 Front St.
- Shop online
- Career Center: (440) 826-2101
- Center for Alcohol and Related Issues Education (CARE): (440) 826-2180
- Center for Global Exploration: (440) 826-2231
- Center for Inclusion: (440) 826-2395
- Center for Innovation & Growth: (440) 826-2393
- Center for Academic Success and Achievement (CASA): (440) 826-2425
- Center for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement: (440) 826-2104
- Chapel: (440) 826-2175
- Chemistry: (440) 826-2312
- Communication Arts & Sciences: (440) 826-2278
- Communication Sciences & Disorders: (440) 826-2149
- Community Arts School: (440) 826-2365
- Community Engagement: (440) 826-2403
- Community Learning: (440) 826-2100
- Commuter Services: (440) 826-2380
- Conference Services: (440) 826-2351
- Conservatory of Music: (440) 826-2369
- Conservatory Admission: (440) 826-2368
- Corporate and Organizational Engagement: (440) 826-2393
- Counseling Center: (440) 826-2180
- Development Office: (440) 826-2131
- Dining Services
- Catering: (440) 826-8167
- Colony Café: (440) 826-2411
- The Hive: (440) 826-2258
- Lang Dining Hall: (440) 826-2415
- Smoothie Bar: (440) 826-6813
- Stinger’s Fresh Food Market: (440) 826-380
- Union Dining Hall: (440) 826-8132
- Vending: (440) 826-8132
- Education: (440) 826-2166
- EMERGENCY (Safety & Security): (440) 826-2000
- Engineering: (440) 826-2117
- English and Creative Writing: (440) 826-2293
- Exponent Campus Media - Advertising: (440) 826-8509
- Exponent Campus Media - Newsroom: (440) 826-2272
- Field Experience: (440) 826-2101
- Finance Office: (440) 826-2212
- Financial Aid: (see One Stop)
- Fraternity and Sorority Life: (440) 826-2356
- Grindstone: (440) 826-2273
- Health Services: (440) 826-2178
- History: (440) 826-2076
- Honors Program: (440) 826-2242
- Human Resources Department: (440) 826-2220
- Information Technology: (440) 826-7000
Services include: IT Support Center (Help Desk) and Jacket Express Card. - Institute for Learning in Retirement: (440) 826-3188
- Institute for Learning in Retirement - East
- Institutional Research & Assessment
- Jones Music Library: (440) 826-2375
- Jacket Express Card: (440) 826-7000
- Lou Higgins Recreation Center: (440) 826-2285
- Mail Center: (440) 826-2337
- Marching Yellow Jackets Band: (440) 826-8113
- Mathematics & Computer Science: (440) 826-2117
- The Mill: (440) 826-2199
- Neuroscience: (440) 826-2489
- Nursing: (440) 826-8079
- Orientation for New Students: (440) 826-2356
- One Stop: (440) 826-2121
Provides assistance with registration, advising, enrollment, student records, financial aid, billing, making payments, campus services, and more. - Packard Athletic Center/Information Desk: (440) 826-8060
- Parking Services: (440) 826-2410
- Payroll Services: (440) 826-2227
- Philosophy: (440) 826-2193
- Physician Assistant Program: (440) 826-2221
- Physics & Astronomy: (440) 826-2312
- Planned Giving: (440) 826-2136
- Politics and Global Citizenship: (440) 826-2311
- President's Office: (440) 826-2424
- Printing Services: (440) 826-3536
- Professional Development: (440) 826-2253
- Provost: (440) 826-2251
- Psychology : (440) 826-2163
- Purchasing: (440) 826-2444
- Registration and Records: (see One Stop)
- Religion: (440) 826-2193
- Residence Life: (440) 826-2114
- Responsible Research
- Riemenscheider Bach Institute: (440) 826-2044
- Ritter Library
- Ritter Library - Circulation/Gen. Information: (440) 826-2204
- Ritter Library - Reference: (440) 826-2206
- Safety and Security
- Safety & Security - Emergency: (440) 826-2000
- Safety & Security - Non-Emergency: (440) 826-2336
- 24-hr. Emergency Dispatch Cell Phone: (440) 537-0550
- Sexual Misconduct Investigations
- Nancy Gussett: (440) 826-2027
- Sociology: (440) 826-2161
- Special Postal Services: (440) 826-2230
- Speech Clinic: (440) 826-2149
- Stockroom (Buildings & Grounds): (440) 826-2236
- Strosacker Hall, Student Union: (440) 826-2351
- Student Activites Center (SAC): (440) 826-2351
- Student Affairs: (440) 826-2111
- Student Employment Center: (440) 826-3177
- Student Life Center: (440) 826-2356
- Student Senate: (440) 826-2308
- Switchboard: (440) 826-2900
- Tax Clinic: (440) 826-2392
- Theatre & Dance: (440) 826-2239
- Theatre Box Office: (440) 826-2240
- Transfer and Military Services: (440) 826-2121
- University Relations: (440) 826-2325
- Upward Bound: (440) 826-2208
- WBWC 88.3 FM Radio
- Office: (440) 826-2145
- Broadcasting-Request Line: (440) 826-7846
- Wellness: (440) 826-3567
- World Languages, Literature and Culture: (440) 826-2244