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Parents & Family

Countdown to Commencement

Whether it is registering for fall classes, arranging for next year's housing or weighing post-graduation options, most juniors know that senior year begins now.

Employment and graduate school marketability take on greater importance as students look ahead. Internships, networking and leadership initiatives are imperative. Resumes, curricula vitae and career portfolios are seen as necessary tools for success.

Amid the pressure to excel, your student may be wondering, "Have I done enough?"

Seeing the Big Picture

Though stellar grades, abundant co-curricular involvement and prestigious internship experiences may be every parent's dream, college students vary in aptitude, achievement and motivation.

Parents and families can take heart in knowing it is the sum of a student's experiences that matter most. Among areas graduate schools and employers favor are:

  • Solid grades
  • Three or more internship experiences
  • Diverse experiential activities (research, creative, scholarly, etc.)
  • Multiple co-curricular involvement including leadership positions
  • Personal initiative in creating opportunities for oneself

Taking Inventory

Creating an impressive and well-polished professional profile goes beyond fulfilling a checklist of accomplishments. Students need to understand how their experiences, skills and achievements can come together to present a favorable candidate for graduate school or employment. When thoughtfully woven together, experiences that may seem insignificant on their own can add up to create an impressive profile.

The following list can help your student get started. The list includes important experiences and competencies your student may have gained through academic, co-curricular and experiential learning activities. In scanning the list, your student should consider their use in a resume, curriculum vitae and career portfolio, as well as when being interviewed for a job or internship position.

  • Foreign language, math, English competencies
  • Peer tutoring
  • Course assistant
  • Teaching experience or serving as a trainer
  • Public speaking
  • Scholarly, creative or professional writing
  • Working on media/marketing/public relations initiatives
  • Formal presentations at professional conferences
  • Advanced computer experience
  • Graphic design, photography, social media and web competency
  • Creative/artistic/performing arts talent
  • Ability to analyze raw data and create reports
  • Market, competitor, economic analysis skills
  • Experience in bookkeeping, accounting, auditing
  • Financial and management accounting skills
  • Budgeting on behalf of an organization
  • Experience in developing business plans and project planning
  • Real-world consulting
  • Leadership training
  • Fundraising

Seeking Assistance

BW Career Center advisors can help students synthesize their experiences, attributes and skills into marketable profiles that can garner the attention of prospective employers and graduate schools.