2024-2025 University Catalog
Public History Minor
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The Public History minor requires a minimum of 19 credit hours, courses include:
Electives in History and Public History:
Complete two of the following: - PBH 250 - America’s National Parks, 3 credit hours
- PBH 300 - Community Research & Oral History, 3 credit hours
- HIS 151 - History of the United States I, 3 credit hours
- HIS 152 - History of the United States II, 3 credit hours
- HIS 250D - African-American History, 3 credit hours
- HIS 260 - Topics in History, 3-4 credit hours (when a U.S. topic)
- HIS 267 - Vietnam War: Causes and Consequences, 3 credit hours
- HIS 350 - Colonial America, 3 credit hours
- HIS 351 - The American Revolution, 3 credit hours
- HIS 352 - Jefferson-Jackson, 3 credit hours
- HIS 353 - U.S. Civil War, 3 credit hours
- HIS 354 - U.S. Reform and War, 1876-1920, 3 credit hours
- HIS 355 - Modern America: 1920-1945, 3 credit hours
- HIS 356 - Recent America: 1945-present, 3 credit hours
- HIS 360 - An In-depth Study of Topics in History, 3-4 credit hours (when a U.S. topic)
Writing for the Public:
Complete one of the following: Electives for Public History:
Complete two of the following: - ART 102I - Art Appreciation, 3 credit hours
- ART 103D - Art of Our Time, 3 credit hours
- ART 140 - Intro to Visual Communication Design, 3 credit hours
- ART 220 - Digital Photography, 2 credit hours
- ART 225 - Introduction to Photoshop, 2 credit hours
- ART 231I - Art History: from Caves to Cathedrals, 3 credit hours
- ART 232I - Art History: from Renaissance to Modernism, 3 credit hours
- ART 234 - Survey of American Art from Colonial Times to 1945, 3 credit hours
- ART 235I - Topics in Non-Western Art, 3 credit hours
- ART 236I - Modern Art, 1850-1950, 3 credit hours
- ART 261 - Typography, 3 credit hours
- CAS 112 - Presentational Speaking, 3 credit hours
- CAS 125 - Event Planning, 3 credit hours
- CAS 222 - Film History, 3 credit hours
- CAS 415 - Studies in Public Relations, 3 credit hours
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