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Accounting Advisory Board

The BW Accounting Advisory Board is comprised of several of Northeast Ohio's most prominent leaders in the accounting industry. Members volunteer their time to provide critical expertise and support to the undergraduate and graduate accounting programs at the Carmel Boyer School of Business. They bring to BW diverse employer perspectives and insight into industry best practices.

Photo of Aaron Apathy

Aaron Apathy

Company: Corrigan Krause
Position: Director
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA

Photo of Tina Dzik

Tina Dzik

Company: Cohen & Company
Position: Partner, Audit & Attest
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA

Photo of Kim Floriani

Kim Floriani

Company: Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
Position: Senior Vice President, Controller & Chief Accounting Officer
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certifications: CPA, CGMA

Photo of Brandon Fredericks

Brandon Fredericks

Company: Apple Growth Partners
Position: Audit Senior Manager
BW Degree: MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA

Photo of Paul Gregory

Paul Gregory

Company: Rea
Position: Practice Leader, Private Client Services
BW Degrees: BA in Accounting
License/Certifications: CPA

Photo of Cory Hanawalt

Cory Hanawalt

Company: Medical Mutual
Position: Director, Corporate Financial Reporting
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA

Ash Khatib

Ash Khatib

Company: The Richwood Banking Company
Position: Chief Financial Officer
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License: CPA, CGMA

Ed Kleppel headshot

Ed Kleppel

Company: Progressive
Position: Senior Manager of Data Analysis
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA

Photo of Jim LaRocca

Jim LaRocca

Company: Westfield Bank
Position: Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA, CGMA

Jaclyn Lee

Jaclyn Lee

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Position: Audit Manager, Financial Crimes
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certifications: CAMS, CFCS, CFE, CIA, CPA

Jessica Leonard headshot

Jessica Leonard

Company: Evolution Capital Partners
Position: Partner
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA

Minhchau Nguyen

Minhchau Nguyen

Company: Sherwin-Williams
Position: Lead Auditor, Internal Audit
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting

Photo of Justin Novak

Justin Novak

Company: Ernst & Young
Position: Assurance Partner
BW Degrees: BA in Accounting and Finance, MBA in Accounting
License/Certifications: CPA

Kevin Soflkiancs headshot

Kevin Soflkiancs

Company: Sherwin-Williams
Position: Senior Director, Internal Audit
BW Degrees: BA, MBA in Accounting
License/Certification: CPA